Saturday, July 24, 2010


Dearest Gibunk, If you're in Melbourne, you should try Brunetti. This is imperative. I simply love the place, Brunetti at city square. A very groovy ambience and place to has however nothing in Melbourne's back street and atmosphere. This is flat white, the drink has been said to be created in either Australia or New Zaeland. Flat white is espresso based drink. Hmmmm, I'm not a fans of espresso so for me it's just Almost every morning when I was in Melbourne I went here fo one reason and the one reason only their Italian Hot Chocolate. It's amazing. One sip and you are transported to heaven, hahahahaa! So rich, thick, it's like cake batter, not too sweet hot chocolate. How can something that looks so thin be so deliciously thick in your mouth? When ordering hot chocolate, make sure you specify the italian hot chocolate or you will be served with milky hot chocolate. The italian hot chocolate served with or without cream. Seriously, this is the best hot chocolate I've ever had. It's devine lucious...mmmmmmm yummmmmmooooooooooooooooooo. Order one on a cold Melbourne day and feel the life come creeping back in

There are number of pigeons wandering around the outside seating area
After I went there again and again, I love it more and more
Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get
Brunetti City Square Café - Gelateria - Creperia 214 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia Hours of Operation Monday – Thursday(7am – 9pm) Friday (6am – Midnight) Saturday (8am – Midnight) Sunday (8am – 7pm)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

All we need is a dream and a little bit of pixie dust!

Bons !!
AaaaAAAaaaaa ...
I don't promise much .. I don't promise much in life, but for this I''ll promise to my self that once, at least once we'll conquer London together !! :)) First, I'll take you to Covent garden for sure, *Awesome place* it gives me a particular feeling --a nice inspired feeling--.
sure you'll love it as well, since we have the same taste--most of the times--.
drop by at Soho for a snog, well basically it's a yoghurt ice cream ( lil' guritas fav eh ? )
*Nyam !!
hmm and guess what ??
It's the premier of TWILIGHT SAGA -- ECLIPSE
No wonder we heard people were screaming.
( rumour has it that Pattinson and Lautner will come to the premier, raar ;p )
but helloooo, who is this guy on the poster ..
not Jacob nor Edward, but we defo go for this guy !! *winkwink
Ahh, finally we found our treasure !!
Pardon our asian stomach for craving of asian dishes everytime everywhere, there's nothing better than to start the day with a bowl of tasty mie goreng in wagamama and to end the day with delicious nasi ayam kare with a glass of warm teh tarik.
Life is great !!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I believe I can fly

Dearest Gibunk... How the life there? hot season huh.... Are you busy flying? Always happy landing kay...take care. I miss you.

Adults are only kids grown up, anyway

Dearest Gibunk It's kinda fun to do the impossible, if you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.

I believe in angels, The kind that heaven sends, I am surrounded by angels, But I call them friends.

Dearest Bons, So I have been stuck at home hiding under my comfy comforter all day due to all the subjects of my life are unavailable. But luckily it hasn't been all for nothing, as I keep on digging my precious pics and editing them non stop, Yay !! And lately I'm inspired by Angels, fairies and so on. Hmmm .. I'm surrounded by these angels at the moment ..
Have a fabulous day dear Bons ..